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Lancaster & Ephrata - SmileBuilderz

Start Off Smiling: Pediatric Dentistry at Smilebuilderz

added on: July 17, 2023

As your trusted comprehensive dental office in the Lancaster area, we believe in building bright smiles for every member of your family – especially the little ones! Our specially trained pediatric dentistry team provides optimal dental care to babies, toddlers, adolescents, teens, and those with special needs. 

This article will discuss the unique requirements of children’s dental health, the importance of preventive care, and how Smilebuilderz in Lancaster and Ephrata creates a positive and enjoyable dental experience for your little ones. We’ve also included some tips for helping your kids build great dental hygiene habits! 

Understanding Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is crucial for your children’s oral and physical health. From the first emergence of “baby” teeth to the years-long experience of developing their adult smile, children are vulnerable to tooth decay and disease without proper hygiene and routine dental visits.

Maintaining your children’s oral health and teaching them the importance of proper dental hygiene will prepare them for a lifetime of bright and healthy smiles. In order to do that, our pediatric dentists in Lancaster and Ephrata are trained to provide positive dental experiences that will bolster their confidence for years to come. 

Preventative Care for Optimal Oral Health 

As early as 6-12 months old, children start growing their “baby” teeth – a tender and sometimes painful process. This marks the beginning of their lifelong understanding of the vital link between oral health and their overall well-being. As parents, you play a critical role in helping them develop great oral hygiene habits. We, in turn, offer our support through our pediatric dentistry office in Lancaster.

By scheduling your child’s first appointment, ideally after their first teeth emerge, you’re setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. It’s never too early to start their dental journey, and regular check-ups are a must.

A Positive, Stress-Free Environment 

Kids deserve dental care that is specifically built around their needs, so maintaining a positive, engaging, and safe atmosphere is key at Smilebuilderz. We practice kid-friendly dentistry in Lancaster and Ephrata that includes super-gentle cleanings, non-invasive imaging, and entertaining oral hygiene education.

To help them learn that the dentist is not a scary place, our office uses simple, pleasant, non-frightening language to describe dental treatment. From the moment you walk into our offices, you and your family will be greeted with warmth and understanding for the most stress-free dentist visit, every time. 

Tips for Teaching Your Child Great Oral Hygiene 

A child’s parents or caregivers are their first source of oral hygiene education. Teaching your child the importance of keeping their teeth and mouth healthy will empower them to strive for great oral hygiene as their teeth develop. 

Here are some tips for teaching key dental hygiene habits: 

  • Make toothbrushing fun with a dance party! Play your child’s favorite music and dance together while brushing.
  • Role-play with your child by setting up a pretend dental office and using a toy dental kit to alleviate dental anxiety.
  • Help your children learn about dental health by reading books about teeth and dentists together. Some great options include “The Tooth Book” by Dr. Suess, “My First Visit to the Dentist” by Eve Marleau and “Brush, Brush, Brush!” by Alicia Padron.
  • Smilebuilderz’s pediatric dentists in Lancaster and Ephrata are pros at making routine check-ups fun for kids. We use easy-to-understand language, a super-gentle approach, and even offer fun going-away gifts!

Schedule an appointment with Smilebuilderz today and give your children the top-notch dental care they deserve in the Lancaster area.